Ray Tracing vs Path Tracing: Understanding the Differences

When someone purchases a new PC with an RTX graphics card for gaming or installs Blender for the first time, they’re likely to encounter the terms ‘ray tracing’ and ‘path tracing’. These techniques promise stunning graphics and realistic simulations, but what do they actually mean, and how are they different? This article will help you better understand the fundamentals of computer graphics.

To provide some historical context, the concept of ray tracing has been around for a while, dating back to the 1960s. Arthur Appel got things started with his paper “Some techniques for shading machine renderings of solids” in 1968. But it was Turner Whitted’s paper “An Improved Illumination Model for Shaded Display” in the 1980s that really put ray tracing on the map.

Then, in 1986, James Kajiya came up with path tracing, which is a more advanced version of ray tracing. He wrote about it in his paper “The Rendering Equation.” Path tracing made it possible to create more realistic and immersive computer-generated images. It paved the way for the global illumination algorithms that we use today.

What is Ray Tracing?

Ray tracing is a rendering technique that mimics the behavior of light. It does this by following the path of light rays as they bounce off objects in a scene. Ray tracing techniques start from the camera and trace rays backward into the scene to determine the color of each pixel. This is the opposite of how light actually travels, but it is a more efficient way to render images because it only traces rays that will actually contribute to the final image.

Timrb, CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Here’s how it works:

  1. For each pixel in the image, ray tracing starts by casting one or more rays from the camera’s viewpoint into the 3D scene.
  2. These rays are tracked as they bounce off surfaces (reflection), refract through transparent materials, or get absorbed by objects.
  3. The system calculates the color of the pixel based on the ray’s journey when a ray hits a light source or reaches a predetermined bounce limit.

Ray tracing excels at producing realistic reflections, refractions, and shadows. It’s particularly effective for rendering shiny or transparent materials like glass, metal, and water. It’s the technology behind those reflections in a car’s polished chrome or the crystal-clear ripples on the surface of a virtual pond.

path tracing and Ray Tracing example: Blender render using Cycles
Blender render using Cycles

What is Path Tracing?

Path tracing can be considered an advanced form of ray tracing. While ray tracing typically focuses on direct lighting and a limited number of light bounces, path tracing aims to simulate global illumination more comprehensively. Here’s how path tracing differs:

  1. Instead of tracing a few rays per pixel, path tracing casts many rays (often hundreds or thousands) for each pixel.
  2. These rays are allowed to bounce and scatter randomly throughout the scene, simulating the complex behavior of light more accurately.
  3. The final color of each pixel is determined by averaging the results of all the paths traced for that pixel.

Path tracing is capable of producing more nuanced lighting effects, including soft shadows, color bleeding, and subtle ambient lighting. It’s particularly good at capturing the way light bounces between surfaces, creating a more natural and immersive look.

While path tracing delivers unparalleled realism, it comes at a computational cost. The sheer number of rays traced for each pixel makes it significantly more demanding than traditional ray tracing. However, advancements in hardware and software are continually pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with path tracing. This progress is bringing us closer to the day when real-time path-traced visuals become the norm.

Technical Aspects

Taking a closer look at the technical details of ray tracing and path tracing reveals the fundamental principles that enable them to produce incredibly realistic visuals.

Global Illumination

Both ray tracing and path tracing aim to simulate global illumination, which accounts for both direct and indirect lighting in a scene. Direct lighting refers to light that travels directly from a light source to a surface, while indirect lighting involves light that bounces off multiple surfaces before reaching the viewer’s eye. However, they approach this challenge differently:

  • Ray Tracing: While ray tracing can simulate some indirect lighting, it often focuses primarily on direct illumination and a limited number of indirect bounces. This can lead to visually appealing results in many cases, but it may fall short in capturing the full complexity of light interactions in a scene.
  • Path Tracing: On the other hand, path tracing inherently captures global illumination due to its extensive sampling of light paths. The multitude of rays cast for each pixel allows it to naturally account for the intricate interplay of direct and indirect light, resulting in a more accurate and nuanced representation of the scene’s lighting.

Monte Carlo Simulation

Path tracing relies heavily on Monte Carlo methods, a statistical technique used to approximate complex calculations through random sampling. In the context of path tracing, Monte Carlo simulation is used to sample light paths, determining the direction and intensity of light rays as they bounce around the scene.

The mathematics behind Monte Carlo simulation in path tracing involves estimating the rendering equation, which describes the equilibrium distribution of light in a scene. The equation can be expressed as:

L(x, ω) = Le(x, ω) + ∫Ω fr(x, ω’, ω) Li(x, ω’) (ω’ · n) dω’


  • L(x, ω) is the outgoing radiance from point x in direction ω
  • Le(x, ω) is the emitted radiance
  • fr(x, ω’, ω) is the BRDF at point x
  • Li(x, ω’) is the incoming radiance from direction ω’
  • n is the surface normal at point x

Monte Carlo integration is used to solve this equation by randomly sampling the hemisphere of incoming directions and averaging the results.

While Monte Carlo simulation empowers path tracing to handle complex light transport phenomena, it also requires a large number of samples to produce noise-free images. This is why path tracing is generally more computationally expensive than ray tracing.

Shading and Material Models

Both ray tracing and path tracing depend on accurate shading models to determine how light interacts with different surfaces. The Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) plays a crucial role in defining how light is reflected off surfaces, taking into account factors such as the surface’s material, roughness, and viewing angle.

Some specific BRDFs and their applications include:

  1. Lambertian BRDF: Used for diffuse surfaces that scatter light equally in all directions.
  2. Phong BRDF: Popular for its simplicity in modeling specular reflections.
  3. Cook-Torrance BRDF: More physically accurate model for microfacet-based materials.
  4. Disney BRDF: A comprehensive model designed for artistic control in film production.

Sophisticated shading models, combined with advanced material models that simulate the properties of various substances, contribute significantly to the realism achieved by ray tracing and path tracing.

Acceleration Structures

To optimize ray-object intersection tests, which are the most time-consuming part of ray tracing and path tracing, acceleration structures are used. One of the most popular is the Bounding Volume Hierarchy (BVH). A BVH organizes the scene geometry into a tree structure, allowing for quick elimination of large portions of the scene that a ray cannot possibly intersect. This significantly reduces the number of intersection tests required, greatly improving rendering performance.

Advanced Techniques

  • Bidirectional Path Tracing: Traces paths from both light sources and the camera, connecting them to form complete light paths.
  • Metropolis Light Transport: Uses mutations of successful light paths to efficiently explore the space of all possible paths.
  • Photon Mapping: A two-pass global illumination algorithm that can handle complex light transport phenomena like caustics.

Comparision: Path Tracing Vs Ray Tracing

FeatureRay TracingPath Tracing
Rays per pixelTypically one ray per pixelMultiple rays per pixel (hundreds or thousands)
Reflections/RefractionsHandles specular reflections and refractions wellCan struggle with perfect speculars, leading to noise unless a very high number of rays are traced
PerformanceFaster rendering speedsComputationally expensive
NoiseLower noise levelsCan exhibit more noise due to its brute-force nature
Global IlluminationLimited supportAccurately simulates global illumination effects
Real-time SuitabilityMore suitable for real-time applicationsChallenging for real-time, but becoming more feasible with advancements in hardware
Typical ApplicationsGames, real-time graphicsFilms, animations, high-quality visuals
Soft ShadowsCan struggle with realistic soft shadowsNaturally produces realistic soft shadows
CausticsDifficult to render accuratelyCan handle caustics more naturally, though may require many samples
Hardware RequirementsLess demanding, can run on most modern GPUsMore demanding, benefits greatly from high-end GPUs or render farms

Future Directions

As hardware capabilities advance, we’re seeing a convergence of these techniques:

  • Hybrid Rendering: Combining rasterization with ray tracing for optimal performance in real-time applications. This approach is becoming increasingly popular in modern game engines.
  • AI-Enhanced Rendering: Using machine learning for denoising and upscaling, making path tracing more feasible for real-time use. NVIDIA’s DLSS (Deep Learning Super Sampling) is a prime example of this technology.
  • Physically-Based Rendering: Striving for even greater realism by adhering closely to the physics of light transport. This includes more accurate simulations of subsurface scattering, participating media, and complex material interactions.
  • Real-time Ray Tracing: With dedicated hardware like NVIDIA’s RT cores and AMD’s ray accelerators, real-time ray tracing is becoming more feasible in consumer-grade hardware. We can expect to see more sophisticated real-time global illumination solutions in the coming years.
  • Multi-bounce Diffuse Indirect Illumination: Techniques like Instant Radiosity and many-lights methods are being developed to efficiently handle complex indirect lighting scenarios in real-time.
  • Quantum Computing Applications: While still in its infancy, quantum computing could potentially revolutionize rendering by solving complex light transport problems.


While ray tracing and path tracing share common roots in simulating light transport, they represent different points on the spectrum of rendering techniques. Ray tracing offers a balance of quality and speed, making it suitable for real-time applications. Path tracing pushes the boundaries of photorealism at the cost of increased computational requirements.

The ongoing convergence of these techniques, driven by advancements in hardware and algorithms, is blurring the lines between real-time and offline rendering. This convergence is not only transforming the gaming and film industries but also having a significant impact on fields such as architectural visualization, product design, and virtual reality.

Understanding the strengths and limitations of each approach helps developers and artists to select the best tool for their projects. As a result, we can expect even better and more innovative computer graphics. Furthermore, as technology advances, these techniques will likely become even more sophisticated, blurring the lines between real-time and offline rendering. Ultimately, this progress will bring unprecedented levels of realism to digital imagery.

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